職名 准教授
専修課程 フランス語フランス文学専修課程
専門分野 フランス語フランス文学専門分野
研究室 フランス語フランス文学研究室
詳細情報 詳細情報

My research focuses on the work of Georges Perec (1936-1982), emblematic writer of the second 20th century, at the crossroads of formal experimentation, autobiographical investigation, postmodern renewal of fiction and sociological interrogation of everyday life. I devoted my doctoral thesis to the question of his practice of intertextual writing.
I am also interested in the work of Roland Barthes (1915-1980) and more generally in the period of Modernism and Postmodernism in France - from Flaubert to the present day - in terms of a set of forms, but also in a moral point of view.