開催日 2012年4月24日

社会心理学研究室では年に数回,主に海外で活躍する研究者を招聘し,社会心理学コロキウム を開催しています.



講師:Jenny Kurman (Senior Lecturer Ph.D.,Psychology, University of Haifa)

演題:Control via self-improvement

日時:4/24 18:00-19:30

場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 法文2号館第3会議室


 A new control strategy, control via self-improvement, in addition to primary and secondary control, is presented. This strategy is aimed at an actual external change (primary target), whereas the means to reach the goal is self-improvement (secondary target?the self). Two studies were conducted (N = 203; 190) in Israel and in Hong Kong, and compared control strategies in the two groups using open ended scenarios. In both studies, it was found that control via self-improvement exists in the achievement domain and is more prevalent in Hong Kong than in Israel. Study 2 showed that control via self-improvement is negatively related to external attribution but positively to face.


 オーガナイザー:山口 勧(東京大学)

 お問い合わせ先: 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 社会心理学研究室

 E-mail: sphisyo@l.u-tokyo.ac.jp Tel: 03-5841-3870 Fax: 03-3815-6673