開催日 | 2024年6月7日 |
【講師】 Shao-Min (Sean) Hung先生(早稲田大学)
【演題】 Attentional modulation in the unconscious sensory world
Attention seems to constrain how we perceive the world, that is, our conscious experience. Does this attentional constraint extend to sensory information that remains unconscious to us? In this talk, I will show that attention, specifically how focused we are on a task, gates unconscious semantic processing. In a series of psychophysical experiments, we found that participants’ response to a Stroop word slowed down when a preceding unconscious prime word had an incongruent meaning. Critically, this unconscious interference occurred only when the task was word-naming (easy), but not color-naming (hard). Furthermore, in an ongoing fMRI study, we found that, in the early visual cortex, compared to an incongruent prime, a congruent prime prompted stronger target activation only in the word-naming session, showing successful registration of unconscious information. This difference disappeared in the color-naming session. Lastly, I will talk about using this paradigm to study cognitive aging in older individuals, which revealed that older individuals with a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s were more susceptible to unconscious interference, potentially linked to how they used attention. Together, these results demonstrate that similar to conscious processing, unconscious processing is under attentional modulation.
(問い合わせ先)心理学研究室 shinri -at- L.u-tokyo.ac.jp (-at-を@に変更)