開催日 2022年12月1日

納富信留(東京大学教授)、マルクス・ガブリエル(ボン大学教授)、ジェフリー・サックス(コロンビア大学教授)、石井菜穂子 (東京大学理事、グローバル・コモンズ・センター ダイレクター)など、豪華ゲストが多数!





「東京フォーラム 2022」は「哲学と科学の対話」を通じて、この問いに立ち向かいます。

開催日時:2022年12月1日(木) 18:00~21:35、2日(金) 17:00~21:45
会 場:東京大学安田講堂(オンライン配信あり)
言 語: 英語(日本語同時通訳あり)
参加費: 無料
参加方法: 事前登録制 https://www.tokyo-forum-form.com/apply/audiences/ja
主 催:東京大学、Chey Institute for Advanced Studies
問合せ先: info@tokyo-forum-form.com

東京フォーラムは、地球と人類社会が直面する課題について、異なる背景をもった多様な人々が自由に情報と意見を交換し、課題解決の方策を検討し提案する場です。「Shaping the Future(未来を形作る)」という包括的・継続的なテーマのもと、本学と韓国のChey Institute for Advanced Studies(Chey Institute)が共催し、毎年一度国際会議として開催されます。



Prof. Noburu NOTOMI (the University of Tokyo) , Prof. Markus GABRIEL (University of Bonn), Prof. Jeffrey SACHS (Columbia University), Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo, Naoko ISHII and more!

◆Tokyo Forum 2022◆

The University of Tokyo will be holding “Tokyo Forum 2022” on Thursday, December 1 and Friday, December 2, 2022. We would greatly appreciate your participation.
For details, please click the following link.
Forum Website: https://www.tokyoforum.tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html
“Tokyo Forum 2022” will focus on “Dialogue between Philosophy and Science: In a World Facing War, Pandemic, and Climate Change”.
In the face of war, a pandemic, and climate change, we cannot repeat the history of the last century, in which our ancestors headed down the road to division, global conflict, and environmental destruction. Philosophy of the 21st century must contribute to the construction of a new universality based on locality and diversity. Science in the 21st century also needs to dispense with its overarching aura of supremacy and lack of self-criticism.
How can we live more fully and how do we find a new common understanding about what our society should be?
Tokyo Forum 2022 will tackle these questions through a series of in-depth dialogues between philosophy and science.

[Event Details]
Date: Thursday, December 1 and Friday, December 2, 2022
Time: December 1 @ 4:00-09:35 (EST); 9:00-12:35 (GMT); 18:00 –21:35 (JST)
December 2 @ 3:00-09:45 (EST); 8:00-12:45 (GMT); 17:00 –21:45 (JST)
Venue: Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo (both in-person and live streaming)
Language: English (simultaneous interpretation in Japanese available)
Admission: Free
Registration: Required https://www.tokyo-forum-form.com/apply/audiences/en
Organizers: The University of Tokyo (Japan) and Chey Institute for Advanced Studies (Korea)
Inquiries to: info@tokyo-forum-form.com

About “Tokyo Forum”:

“Tokyo Forum” will bring together experts from diverse backgrounds to freely exchange information and opinions on issues facing society and our planet, while seeking out and proposing viable solutions. This forum is an annual event, which was launched in 2019 with the overarching theme of “Shaping the Future.".