開催日 2015年10月28日

言語学研究室主催 Sheena Shah博士講演会のお知らせ


言語学研究室では、下記の要領で N|uu 語に関する講演会を実施します。関心のおありの方はふるってご参加ください。


日時:2015年10月28日(水) 15:00~

場所:文学部3号館6階 言語学演習室

講師:Sheena Shah (ケープタウン大学・京都大学)

連絡先:言語学研究室 gengo [at] L.u-tokyo.ac.jp



Developing educational materials for a highly endangered language: Objectives, outcomes and challenges

Nǀuu is a non-Bantu click language (also known as “Khoisan”) spoken in the Northern Cape province of South Africa by three elderly women only. The youngest of the last speakers, Katrina Esau (known locally as Ouma Geelmeid), has been working tirelessly to preserve the Nǀuu language. Although non-literate herself, she has been teaching Nǀuu to children in her community for over a decade.


One of the objectives of the Nǀuu Language Project at the Centre for African Language Diversity (CALDi) at the University of Cape Town is to bridge the gap between academic research projects and community-based revitalization activities. Since 2012, CALDi members have been supporting the teaching efforts of Ouma Geelmeid through the establishment of a practical Nǀuu orthography and the development of educational materials. I illustrate the outcomes of these community-based revitalization activities, which include alphabet charts, posters, a language app and a Nǀuu language reader, and discuss how these educational materials are currently being used at Ouma Geelmeid’s school. In addition, this presentation reviews achievements and challenges in the joint efforts and collaboration between community members and CALDi scholars to revitalize the Nǀuu language.