開催日 2016年7月13日

エリザベス・ブロンフェン氏講演 (7月13日開催)

“The Challenge to Avert Tragedy: Winter’s Tale Refigured in Vertigo and Gone Girl”


【講師】Elisabeth Bronfen (University of Zurich)


【場所】東京大学山上会館 会議室 (201/202)



【講演要旨】チューリッヒ大学よりエリザベス・ブロンフェン教授をお招きして講演会を行います。ブロンフェン氏の著作Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity, and the Aesthetic(1992)において展開された女性の犠牲というモチーフを巡る心理学的・文化的機能を再考します。死、女性性、美の結合がもたらす悲劇的必然の誘惑に対する芸術作品の抵抗を、ヒッチコックの『めまい』とデイビッド・フィンチャーの『ゴーン・ガール』がシェイクスピアの後期ロマンス『冬物語』を翻案する様子から読み解いていきます。





“The Challenge to Avert Tragedy: Winter’s Tale refigured in Vertigo and Gone Girl”

PROF. ELISABETH BRONFEN (University of Zurich)


July 13, 2016 (Wed) 17:30-19:00 Sanjo Conference Hall

Sanjo Conference Hall



In this lecture, I will return to the issues raised in my book Over Her Dead Body so as to revisit both the psychological and the cultural gain of feminine sacrifice. 
At issue still, in the conjunction between death, femininity and the aesthetic, is both the fascination with a tragic imperative as well as the possibility of using art to challenge it. The proposition of my lecture is: By reading Hitchcock’s iconic psychothriller with – and against – Shakespeare’s late romance, an alternative to the seemingly inevitable thanatological logic of tragedy can be discovered. Reading Fincher’s Gone Girl as a comedy of remarriage, in turn, will offer yet a further dimension of what to move beyond tragedy, who to undo the tragic impulse.


Faculty of Letters, Departments of Aesthetics, Contemporary Literary Studies, English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature