開催日 2024年1月16日




【講師】 Prof. Emanuele Castano (University of Trento)

【演題】 On the Effects of Fiction on Social Cognition: Evidence from Human Experimentation, Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence


Over the last 20 years, evidence from correlational studies and experiments has accumulated, which suggests that engagement with written fiction impacts on social cognition processes. In this presentation, I will review this research and the theoretical models that have been proposed to account for such effects, and present my own model on this line of inquiry, which distinguishes between types of fiction and extends to cultural products other than written fiction. I will summarize the extant correlational and experimental evidence stemming from my own research with human participants, as well as the most recent studies I have conducted using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence tools, which provide support for the theoretical account that I propose.

(問い合わせ先)心理学研究室 shinri -at- L.u-tokyo.ac.jp  -at-@に変更)