このたび高山博名誉教授が、西洋中世研究におけるこれまでの活動・貢献を評価され、2024年1月3日、※Medieval Academy of America(アメリカ中世学会)のCorresponding Fellow(海外終身名誉会員)に選定されました。
※Medieval Academy of America(アメリカ中世学会)
[1] “Founded in 1925, the MAA [Medieval Academy of America] is the largest organization in the United States promoting excellence in the field of medieval studies. The Academy publishes the quarterly journal Speculum; awards prizes, grants, and fellowships; and supports research, publication, and teaching in medieval art, archaeology, history, law, literature, music, philosophy, religion, science, social and economic institutions, and all other aspects of the Middle Ages.” (https://www.medievalacademy.org/)
[2] “FELLOWS AND CORRESPONDING FELLOWS: The chief purpose of the Fellowship is to honor major long-term scholarly achievement within the field of Medieval Studies. Election to the Fellows is a gift bestowed by one’s colleagues.” (https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/Fellows)
“Criteria for Nomination: All Fellows (except for Corresponding Fellows) must be members of the Medieval Academy who reside in North America at the time of election. They should be medievalists who have contributed to our knowledge of the Middle Ages with a substantial body of scholarship, distinguished in both quality and quantity. ... Election to the Fellowship is a recognition of a lifetime of academic achievement. … Corresponding Fellows reside in countries outside of North America and need not be members of the Academy.” (https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/Election_Procedure)
[3] 現在のCorresponding Fellows一覧 https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/CorrFellows。当リスト(2023年4月30日現在)掲載の66名のうち5名が2023年末までに逝去。
歴代のCorresponding Fellows一覧 https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/CompleteCorrFellow。
東京大学名誉教授。Ph.D.(エール大学)。専門は西洋中世史・地中海史。R. Lopez Memorial Prize、サントリー学芸賞、地中海学会賞、マルコ・ポーロ賞受賞。紫綬褒章受章。西洋中世学会会長、史学会理事長、地中海学会副会長(現任)を歴任。著書にThe Administration of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily (E. J. Brill)、Sicily and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages (Routledge)、『中世地中海世界とシチリア王国』、『神秘の中世王国』、『中世シチリア王国の研究』(東京大学出版会)、『ハード・アカデミズムの時代』(講談社)、『歴史学 未来へのまなざし』、『ヨーロッパとイスラーム世界』(山川出版社)、『<知>とグローバル化』(勁草書房)などがある。(詳細はhttps://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~tkymh/index1.html参照)