

講師 タマーラ・フンドロヴァ(ウクライナ科学アカデミー文学研究所教授) Tamara Hundorova (Institute of Literature, Ukrainian Academy of Science) 日時 2019年12月5日(木)17:00-18:30 場所 文学部3号館7階スラヴ演習室

Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) is a central figure of the Ukrainian literary canon possessing the role of the National poet. This romantic hypostasis of the poet is built on a symbolic self-image of the Kobzar - a Bard and a Prophet who is endowed with the sacral power and serves as a mediator between God and people. Another Shevchenko’s self-image he created is a kobza-player Darmohray. Both images represent a duality of the sacral and profane masks of the National poet who creates his vision of Ukraine as an “imaginary community”. The masks represent the duality of his identity and help to overcome the social, psychological and cultural alienation which Shevchenko experiences in the exile.