Death and Life Studies
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Journal of Death and Life Studies

Booklet     symposium report

  • "La mort et les au-delàs Π"  ...... contents
  • "THE FUTURE OF LIFE AND DEATH"  ...... contents
  • "Animacy in Languages"  ...... contents
  • "Care and Self-decision"  ...... contents
  • "The Clinical Aspect of Death and Perspectives on Death and Life"  ...... contents
  • "THE LANG VAC SITES(vol.1)"  ...... contents
  • "New Forms of Death, Unchanging Forms of Death"  ...... contents
  • "Perspective on Death and Life and Psychology"  ...... contents
  • "The Great Kanto Earthquake and Documentary Films" ...... contents
  • "Visioni dell' Aldila in Oriente e Occidente: arte e pensiero" ...... contents

Newsletter     (pdf file)

Bulletin of Death and Life Studies     

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