The Fourth Anglo-Japanese Conference of Historians 2003

 State and Empire in British History

The Proceedings (Tokyo, 2003) are published.

Cordial welcome     Japanese (with some hyperlinks)

10th to 12th September 2003
revised 24 April 2004

Kyoto International Community House    京都市国際交流会館

    'Keage': Awataguchi, Sakyo-ku, KYOTO
    Tel: 075-752-3010     Fax: 075-752-3510  


Tuesday, 9th September

19:00-21:00  Welcoming Reception (for invited guests) at Kyoto Royal Hotel


Wednesday, 10th September

9:00-  Registration and Coffee

9:30-9:45  Opening Addresses
                 Prof. Patrick O'Brien (LSE, London)
                 Prof. Minoru Kawakita (川北 稔・大阪大学)

Session 1   Anglo-Norman Realm
9:45-12:45  Chair: Prof. Keizo Asaji (朝治啓三・関西大学)

    Prof. David Bates (University of Glasgow)
  Writing a New Biography of William the Conqueror

Respondents: Prof. Kenji Yoshitake (吉武憲司・慶応大学)
                           Prof. Hiroshi Takayama (高山 博・東京大学)


Session 2   Seventeenth-Century Britain
14:15-17:15  Chair: Prof. Kazuhiko Kondo (近藤和彦・東京大学)

Prof. John Morrill (University of Cambridge)
  Rethinking Revolution in Seventeenth-century Britain

Respondents: Prof. Minoru Kawakita (川北 稔・大阪大学)
     Prof. Rie Tomita (富田理恵・東海女子大学)
           Prof. Shunsuke Katsuta (勝田俊輔・岐阜大学)

 18:30-20:30   Reception (everyone welcome)


Thursday, 11th September

 Session 3   The Long Eighteenth Century
 9:30-12:30  Chair: Prof. Yasushi Aoki (青木 康・立教大学)  

Ms Joanna Innes (University of Oxford)
  Parliament and the Reshaping of English Social Policy 1780-1830

Respondents: Prof. Shin Matsuzono (松園 伸・早稲田大学)
    Mr Chikashi Sakashita (坂下 史・東京女子大学)
   Prof. Akio Kawashima (川島昭夫・京都大学)


Session 4   Social and Political Thought
14:00-17:00  Chair: Prof. Toshio Kusamitsu (草光俊雄・東京大学)

Prof. Gareth Stedman Jones (University of Cambridge)
               Rational Dissent and the Origin of British Socialism: The Case of Robert Owen

Respondents: Prof. Chushichi Tsuzuki (都築忠七・一橋大学名誉教授)
              Prof. Masaaki Mitsunaga (光永雅明・神戸市外国語大学)


Friday, 12th September

 Session 5   The State and Welfare in the Twentieth Century
 9:30-12:30  Chair: Prof. Takao Matsumura (松村高夫・慶応義塾大学)

Prof. Pat Thane (University of London)
    What Difference did the Vote Make? Women and the State in Britain since 1918

 Prof. Martin Daunton (University of Cambridge)
       The British State and the Global Economy in the Twentieth Century

    Respondents: Prof. Nobuko Okuda (奥田伸子・名古屋市立大学)
       Prof. Shinichi Takagami (高神信一・大阪産業大学)


 Session 6   Imperial History: New Perspectives
14:00-16:00 Chair: Prof. Shigeru Akita (秋田 茂・大阪外国語大学)

Prof. Andrew Porter (King's College London)
  Religion and Empire: British Missions since c.1750

                Respondents: Prof. Takao Fujikawa (藤川隆男・大阪大学)
            Prof. Yoko Namikawa (並河葉子・神戸市外国語大学)

16:00-18:00 Chair: Prof. Yoichi Kibata (木畑洋一・東京大学)

Prof. Judith Brown (University of Oxford)
British Society and Decolonisation: Adjusting to the End of Empire

Respondent: Ms Yumiko Hamai (浜井祐三子・北海道大学)

18:00-   Ending Ceremony


Saturday, 13th September

Seminars and workshops on several themes are being organized in Osaka and Tokyo.
 Inquiries may be made to the committee members, sponsoring groups and organizers.

The Committee:
Shigeru AKITA (Osaka University of Foreign Studies)
Yasushi AOKI (Rikkyo University)
Keizo ASAJI (Kansai University)
Harumi GOTO-SHIBATA (Chiba University)
Minoru KAWAKITA (Osaka University)
Yoichi KIBATA (University of Tokyo)
Kazuhiko KONDO, chairman  (University of Tokyo)
Toshio KUSAMITSU  (University of Tokyo)
Takao MATSUMURA (Keio University)

State & Empire in British History: Proceedings, ed. K.Kondo (Tokyo, Nov.2003) is available.
History of AJC