7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
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Past Events (2007-)
September 23, 2011
Egyptian-Japanese International Symposium 2011
- Commemorating the Dead in a Time of Global Crisis
13 Feb. 2011
Images and Visions in Christian and Buddhist Culture
gDeath and Lifeh and Visual Culture III "
16th May 2010
"On Animated Cultic Images: Comparative Perspectives"
3 October 2009, Alexandria
30 September 2009, Cairo
International Symposium
"Dialogue on Death and Life: Views from Egypt"
September 19, 2008
gLa Mort Collective et le Politique. Constructions Mémorielles et Ritualisationsh
May 31, 2008
gDeath and Lifeh and Visual Culture II@
Miraculous Images in Christian and Buddhist Culture
December 16, 2007
gInterrelationship of Relics and Images: An Attempt at a Comparative Art Historyh
Symposia ( 21st century COE program)
9 November 2011
hThe 7th International Tokyo Workshop on Applied Ethics and Philosophyh
19 January 2011
hThe 5th International Tokyo Workshop on Applied Ethics and Philosophyh
21 October 2009
hThe 4th International Tokyo Workshop on Applied Ethics and Philosophyh
September 20, 2008
gLa Mémoire du mort et le politique de la représentation h
December 1, 2007
gCollaboration between Life Science and Death and Life Studiesh
October 19, 2007
gContemporary French Philosophy and Theories on Lifeh
October 16-20, 2007
Workshop ( 21st century COE program)
Special Lecture
29th July 2010
Special Lecture: Leonard Bernstein and Jewish-Christian Relation: Struggle against Anti-Semitism
30th June 2010
Special Lecture: Biodiversity: What It Is and Why It Is Good?
24th May 2010
Special Lecture: La mort entre la religion et la médecine
25th June 2009
On Life and Death:
Gordon Planes (T'Sou-ke Nation Chief) and Shirley Alphonse (T'Sou-ke Nation Healer)
10th April 2009
Nick Zangwill
gThe 11th International Meeting of Hongo Metaphysics Clubh
September 16, 2008
Daniel Ogden,
gDimensions of Death in Ancient Greece and Romeh
3th September 2008
Robert A. Neimeyer,
gSymptoms and Significance-The Latest on Meaning Reconstruction and Lossh
1th September 2008
Prof. Thile Kerkoviusfs Lecture
gLiving with People with AIDSh
November 7, 2007
Dr. Sara Heinamaafs Lecture
gPhenomenologies of Sexual Difference: From Fecundity to Generosityg
October 9, 2007
Professor Ying-shih Yufs Lecture
gChinese Views of Life and Death: With Special Reference to the Confucian Traditionh
August 2, 2007
Prof. Gary Ladermanfs Lecture
gDeath in the United States: Past, Present, and Futureh
Special Lecture ( 21st century COE program)
International Conference
December 11`12, 2008
2008 Carnegie- Uehiro- Oxford Uehiro Centre Conference
December 10, 2008
Young Scholars' Workshop on Medical Ethics
Workshops of specially appointed researchers
October 24, 2007
The 19th Death and Life Studies Workshop
Workshops of specially appointed researchers ( 21st century COE program)
Past Events (2007-)