We The Philosophy Department of The University of Tokyo and the Global COE programme'Death and Life Studies' will hold the 21st International Meeting of Hongo Metaphysics Club. Everyone is welcome.
- Part1 (from 2:00pm)
・Shinya Aimatsu (The University of Tokyo) ‘The Artificiality of Moral Evaluation in Hume’s Ethics’
・Seisuke Hayakawa(Sophia University) ‘Rethinking Individualistic Conceptions of Carein Philosophy of Action'
- Part2 (from 4:30pm)
・Professor Michael Slote (The University of Miami) ‘Egoism and Emotion'
Organiser: Masaki Ichinose
The Department of Philosophy, the University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, JAPAN
Tel & Fax: +81-3-5841-3739
E-mail: ichinose[@]l.u-tokyo.ac.jp