Project Living History of Central Asian People: The Case of Kazakhstan
Dr. Guljanat Kurmangaliyeva Ercilasun and Dr. Konuralp Ercilasun


  • Researchers: Dr. Guljanat Kurmangaliyeva Ercilasun and Dr. Konuralp Ercilasun
  • Period: 27 July - 26 August 2012
  • Project: Living History of Central Asian People: The Case of Kazakhstan Destination: Kazakhstan


During our field trip to Kazakhstan in summer 2012, first we met in Almaty with our project colleagues and co-researchers. We held a meeting, where we have worked over the interview questionnaire, discussed our research methodology and theories for our future publications. In addition, we conducted a series of meetings at the Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to introduce our project. Besides, we had meetings with the colleagues and the Vice-Rector of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, and discussed possible cooperation with this institution.

Furthermore, we have interviewed few people in Almaty. After that we departed for Ustf-Kamenogorsk, which is the center of the Eastern province. During this fieldwork in the Eastern region, we have collected samples in the town of Ustf- Kamenogorsk and in the villages of the Eastern province, and visited peripheral villages which are approximately 1300 km away from Almaty, and close to Mongolia and China. In total, this summer, we have interviewed 15 people from both titular and non-titular nation representatives, and collected important data about the everyday life of the ordinary people during the Soviet Union. This fieldwork was also important for observing the current undergoing situation in Central Asia.


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