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中村 光男

 さる6月25日から28日まで、タイ王国南部パタニ市ののプリンス・オブ・ソンクラ大学(PSU)イスラム研究センター(Center of Islamic Studies, CIS)で開かれた「アセアン地域イスラム研究国際セミナー」に行って来ました。トヨタ財団の助成、CIS-PSUおよびCenter for IMT-GT (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand - Growth Triangle) Studies, PSUの共催で開催されたこの国際会議には、12カ国(タイ、マレーシア、インドネシア、ブルネイ、シンガポール、フィリピン、ベトナム、日本、アメリカ、エジプト、オランダ、サウジ・アラビア)から約120名の参加者を得て、大盛況でした。開会式は、タイ王国国会議長ワン・ムハンマド・ノール・マッタ氏(ムスリム)が司り、最後のセッションには、同外務大臣スリン・ピツワン博士(ムスリム、ハーバードPh.D.)がパネリストの一人として参加するなど、タイ政府の全面的支援も見られました。


1. Assoc. Prof. Ibrahim Abu Bakar, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), "History of Islamic Studies in Malaysia."

2. Prof. Dato' Dr. Hj. Mahmud Saedon Awang Othman, Advisor to Ministry of Religious Affairs, Brunei Darussalam, "History of Islamic Studies in Brunei."

3. Prof. Wadja K. Esmula, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Philippines, "History of Islamic Studies in the Philippines."

4. Dr. Zamakhsyari Dhofier, Rector, IAIN Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia, "History of Islamic Studies in Indonesia."

5. Dr. Hasan Madmarn, Director, CIS-PSU, Pattani, Thailand, "History of Islamic Studies in Thailand."

6. Dr. Hakimatullah Babu Sahib, Majelis Ugama Singapore, "Islamic Educatyion in Singapore."

7. Special Address, Dr. Abdullah bin Salih al-Obaid, Secretary General, Rabitah al-Alam al-Islami, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, "The Significance of Islamic Studies in the Age of Globalization." (In Arabic with English summary)

8. Prof. Dato'Osman bakar, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur< Malaysia, "Towards a More Holistic, Synthetic and Integrated Approach to Islamic Studies, The University of Malaya Experience."

9. Dr. Jehad Muhammad Abu Naja, Islamic College, Yala, Thailand, "Teaching Islamic Studies in Thailand." (In Arabic only)

10. Prof. Mitsuo Nakamura, Chiba University, Japan, "Japanese Scholarship on Islam in Southeast Asia."

11. Dr. Wan Sabri, Head, Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion, International Islamic University (IIU), Selangor, Malaysia, "Some Reflections on the Historical Development of Qur'anic Exgesis in Southeast Asia."

12. Dr. H. Abdurachman Masud, IAIN, Walisongo, Indonesia, "Why the Pesantren as Center of Islamic Studies Remains Unique and Stronger in Indonesia?"

13. Dr. Ibrahim Zein, Dept. of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion, IIU, Malaysia, "Teaching Fiqh and Usul from Islamic Revealed Knowledge Perspective."

14. Dr. Vivienne S.M. Angeles, La Salle University, Philadelphia, U.S.A., "From the Outside Looking in: American Scholarship on Islam in Southeast Asia."

15. Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, "Teaching Islamic Studies in the Institution of Higher Learning in non-Arab World with or without Arabic -- A Dilemma."

16. Dr. Johan Meulman, INIS-IAIN, Jakarta, "Tradition and Renewal within Islamic Studies in Southeast Asia: The Case of Indonesian IAIN's."

17. Assoc. Prof. Mohd. Nur Manuty, Centre for Community Services and Continuing Education, IIU, Malaysia, "Islamic Studies and Comparative Religion Studies in the ASEAN: The Case of Malaysia."

18. Dr. Muhammad Machasin, IAIN Sunan Kalidjaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, "Christian-Muslim Relations in Southeast Asia in the Point of View of the Journal The Muslim World."

19. Dr. Ahmed M. Abol-Khayr, Faculty of Education, Dimyat University, Egypt, "The Prospects of the Silk Road in Reviving Trade Relations between the ASEAN and Arab World." (In Arabic only)

20. Dr. H.M. Atho Mudzhar, Rector, IAIN Sunan Kalidjaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, "The Study of Islamic Law in Indonesian Islamic Universities."

21. Dr. Aron Suthasasna, Institute of Middle East and Muslim World Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, "Teaching Muslim World Studies Courses in Thai Universities: Problems and Approach."

22. Mr. Phu Van Han (JA Samad Han), Champa-Melayu Center for Southeast Asian Studies, National Center for Social and Human Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, HochiMinh City, Vietnam, "Islamic Community in Vietnam:
History and Participation in Vietnamese Social Communication -- Developing Trends towards 21st Century."

23. Prof. Robert B. Albritton, Northern Illinois University, U.S.A., "Studying Political Diversity among Muslims of Southern Thailand."

24. Dr. Yusny Saby, IAIN Ar-Raniry, Aceh, Indonesia, "The Role of Religious Leaders in Combatting the Colonial Occupation: The Case of Aceh, Sumatra."

25. Dr. Wan Abdul Rahman Bin Hj. Wan Abas, Koplej Utama Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia, "Politics and Islamic Studies: ASEAN Political Systems and Educational Policies toward Islamic Studies in the Age of Economic Growth and Globalization."

26. Prof. Iik Arifin Masurnoor, Dept of History, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, "Islamic Education, State and Society in Brunei."

27. Rahmatullah bin Inayatullah Ahmad, Rabitah al^Alam al-Islami, Makkah, "A Glance on the Relations Between the Arab and Southeast Asian Peoples." (In Arabic only)

28. Prof. John Voll, Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding, Georgetown University, U.S.A., "Islamic Studies: After Orientalism and Area Studies."

29. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Royal Thai Government, "Islamic Studies and the Challenge of the 21st Century." (Oral presentation only)

30. Dr. Isma-ae Alee, CIS-PSU, Pattani, Thailand, "The Future of Islamic Studies in Thailand."

31. Prof. Mohd Kamal Hassan, Holder of Malaysian Chair in Islamic Stidies, Georgetown University, U.S.A.,"The Study of Islam in Contemporary Malay-Indonesian Archipelago: Some General Observations."

Copyright(C)1997-2002, Project Management Office of Islamic Area Studies, All rights reserved.


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