1−Bグループ研究会 第1回



於 東京大学山上会館


イラクの内政は、70年代のバース党による一党独裁から80年代以降のサッダーム・フ セイン大統領による個人独裁への移行をみせた。70年代におけるバース党一党独裁体制 は、それ以前の趨勢であった共産党の優勢、軍人支配、そして党中枢内の地縁主義への 対抗・抑制を目的として確立されたものであった。これに対して80年代からの個人独裁 への移行期には、イデオロギー面で、党重鎮への対抗を目的とした「民主主義」的装置 の導入、社会主義経済政策からの離脱、イラク一国主義の標榜、そして世俗主義とイス ラーム復興主義の両者への対抗という形で変化が現れ、組織面では、党ヒエラルキーに 代わって「地縁主義」「部族主義」の再興が観察された。では、この内政面の変化は、 イラクの拡張主義的・域内覇権主義的な対外政策にどのような影響を与えたのか。いく つかの考え方を指摘しうる。第一に、国民統治手段としてのイデオロギーから外交政策 が派生する。第二に、一党独裁から個人独裁への移行の境界が不分明で政策に混乱が生 じる。そして第三に、党と大統領とは、状況に応じて対立関係あるいは補完関係を形成 して、その関係次第で政策決定基準が左右される。

"From the Dictatorial Rule by One Party to That by One Individual in Iraq: The Mechanism of the Transition and Its Impact on the Decision-Making Process"
Keiko SAKAI (Institute of Developing Economies)

The recent trend of Iraqi domestic politics is characterized by the transition from the dictatorial rule by one party (the Baath Party) in the 1970s to that by one individual (President Saddam Husayn) since the 1980s. The dictatorial rule by the Baath Party in the 1970s was established to counterbalance the dominant Communist Party, the military, and the loyalty based on a shared territorial bond among the party leaders. During the period of transition to the dictatorial rule by President Saddam Husayn from the 1980s on, we have witnessed changes in both ideology and organization. The ideological changes have been the introduction of "democratic" procedures to offset the influence of the party leaders, the departure from socialist economic policy, the advocacy of Iraqi (not Arab) nationalism, and the disapproval of secularism and Islamic fundamentalism. And the organizational change has been the revival of "tribalistic" recruitment and promotion in place of hierarchical one within the party.

How has this domestic political shift shaped Iraq's expansionist and hegemonic foreign policy? Several answers are in order. First, its foreign policy derives from the "ideology as a political tool" to govern the public. Second, its foreign policy lacks consistency due to the coexistence of the dictatorial rule by the party and the dictatorial rule by the president. Third, its policy-making stance is influenced by the nature of the relationship between the party and the president. And this relationship, either confrontational or cooperative, in turn, is not predictable (since which relationship they are in depends on the situation).
