

International Workshop
Linguistic-Sociological Analysis of Contemporary Arabic in Egyptian Revolution (Jan. 25, 2011)

Jointly Organized by
  • 科研費 基盤研究(B)「IT時代における現代アラビア語の言語社会学的研究」/JSPS Research Project (Kiban B), “Linguistic Sociological Studies of Contemporary Arabic in the Era of Information Technological Revolution”
  • NIHUプログラム イスラーム地域研究東京大学拠点(民主化班)/NIHU Program, IAS (Islamic Area Studies), Center at the University of Tokyo (TIAS)
Time and Place
  • 2012年2月12日/Feb. 12, 2012,
  • 東京大学本郷キャンパス法文1号館115教室/The University of Tokyo, Hongo Camp., Faculty of Law & Letters Bldg. 1, no. 115
  • Hassanein Keshk, Professor at the National Center for Sociological and Criminological Research, Egypt
  • Kazuaki Takemura, Ph. D. Student, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Masayuki Akutsu, Project Researcher, Department of IAS, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
  • Mohamed Fathy, Ph. D. Candidate, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies

 Time Table

[Object of the Workshop] 13:00-13:15

[Report 1] 13:20-14:00
ハサネイン・キシュク(国立社会学犯罪学研究所研究員)/Dr. Hassanein Keshk, Professor at the National Center for Sociological and Criminological Research, Egypt
“The Role of Contemporary Arabic in Egyptian January 25th Revolution with Reference to Some Communication Patterns Used during the Uprising”/Dawr al-lugha al-ʿarabiyya al-muʿāṣira fī Thawra 25 Yanāyir maʿ ishāra khāṣṣa li-baʿḍ anmāṭ al-tawāṣul al-thawrī
Q & A 10 min.
[Report 2] 14:10-14:50
竹村和朗(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士課程)/Kazuaki Takemura Ph. D. Student, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
「シュハダー」とは誰か?:2011年2月に発表された「革命の殉教者」に関わる五曲の大衆歌謡曲を手がかりに」/“Who are Shuhadāʾ?: From Five Popular Songs on “Martyrs to the Revolution” Released in February 2011”
Q & A 10 min.
[Tea Break] 20 min.

[Report 3] 15:20-16:00
阿久津正幸(東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科イスラーム地域研部門特任研究員)/Masayuki Akutsu, Project Researcher, Department of IAS, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology&モハンマド・ファトヒー(東京外国語大学院地域文化研究科博士課程)/Mohamed Fathy, Ph. D. Candidate, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies
「ソーシャルはソサイエティをつくれるか?:メディアを通じてみた騒乱時における倫理規範とエジプト的ムスリム社会」/“Can ‘Social’ Generate Society?: Ethical Norms during Destabilization and the Egyptian Muslim Society through Contemporary Media”
Q & A 10 min.
[General Discussion] 16:10-17:00

 Object of Workshop

On the one hand, official news agency like BBC or Aljazeera focused on speedy provision of accurate reports. They often link up with i-net (internet) service in parallel with satellite broadcasting. However, on the other, personal news sources like inestimable i-net sites and recently-developed SNSs (Social Network Services) also showed its nonnegligible role.

Through such various contemporary media, the world had watched the Egyptian Revolution in January 2011, more than a wait-and-see attitude, with breathless interest. Because it broke forth just after unexpected Tunisian precedent “Jasmine Revolution”, the subsequent Egyptian case had kept world’s eye on its outcome.

After a series of protest came to a peaceful resolution by the resignation of former president Hosni Mubarak, world’s focus turns to the succeeding regime building. Faced with continuous objection and turmoil with no end in sight, however, Interim Government cannot consolidate political ground until today, and as a result domestic uncertainty continues even now. In this thorny situation, which party from numerous groups can seize stable leadership withstanding ongoing confusion, nationalist or communist? Or rather, Islamist party might contribute to calm down the situation? How next governmental regime should be created under the authority of Supreme Council of the Armed Forces? Our workshop does not deal with these topics, even if it is one of the important issues obviously for today’s Egypt.

Rather, our ambitious interest will be paid, more than anything else, to the point how we should recognize the process of last popular activities and how we must understand their involvement and contribution. Should we appreciate that it is revolution (thawra), changing the attitude of mind or way of thinking in Egyptian community? Or in fact, was it mere upheaval (inqilāb) or riot (fitna), resulted in regime-change temporally and superficially? Meanwhile what is the difference between these Arabic words from the point of Arabic-Islamic intellectual heritage (turāth)?

In order to evaluate literally (maktūb) and orally (malfūz) expression of popular complaints and objections, we will employ linguistic and sociological approach. This main subject of workshop will also remind us immeasurable impact of recent IT technology. Popular complaints were not expressed at first during last year’s street demonstration. Forum site exchanging people’s voices on i-net have fostered potential pressure to the Mubarak regime, sometimes sharply and sometimes ironically. Disconsolate discontent against ex-regime and impotent rage of the people have gone around on SNS: not only the famous Facebook and Twitter but also posting column attached to news report. It is one of our goals to estimate a certain contribution of such prior atmosphere to the outbreak of poplar demonstration. Linguistic and sociological analysis will give us significant clue to understand Egyptian society in transition between past, present, and the future.





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