
高山 博(たかやま ひろし)


西洋史学演習(1995年度) 金曜日4限 #316


(III. 中世イギリス)



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5月26日・青山編『イギリス史1』3-204 頁。
・P. H. Sawyer, From Roman Britain to Norman England (1978)
・F. M. Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford 1943)
・F. Barlow, Edward the Confessor (1970)
・C. W. Hollister, Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest (Oxford 1965)
6月2日・J. Beeler, "The Composition of Anglo-Norman Armies," Speculum, 40 (1965)
・ C. S. S. Lyon, "Some Problems in Interpreting Anglo-Saxon Coinage," Anglo-Saxon England, 5 (1976), pp. 173-224

2ノルマン・コンクェストとウィリアム一世(1066-87) の統治組織

6月9日・Richardson & Sayles
・Haskins, pp. 3-61
・青山編『イギリス史1』205-119 頁
・クライムズ『中世イングランド行政史概説』25-44 頁
・J. A. Green, "The Sheriffs of William the Conqueror," Proceedings of the Battle Abbey Conference, 4 (1982)
・S. Harvey, "Domesday Book and its Predecessors," EHR, 76 (1971)
・D. C. Douglas, "The Earliest Norman Counts," EHR, 61(1946).
・H. A. Cronne,"The office of local justiciar in England under the Norman Kings," University of Birmingham Historical Journal, 6 (1957-8), pp. 18-38
・C. Warren Hollister, "The Origins of the English Treasury," EHR, 93 (1979), pp. 262-275
(参考)・D. C. Douglas, William the Conqueror, the Norman Impact upon England (London 1964)
・H. R. Loyn, Norman Conquest (London 1965)
・F. Barlow, William I and the Norman Conquest (London 1966)
6月16日・ C. Warren Hollister, "Feudalism Revisited," Economic Historical Review, 2nd ser., 14 (1961)
・J. O. Prestwich, "Anglo-Norman Feudalism and the Problem of Continuity," Past and Present, 26 (1963)
・A. Brown,"The Norman Conquest," TRHS, 5th ser., 17 (1966).
・S. Harvey, "Domesday Book and Anglo-Norman Governance," TRHS, 5th ser., 25 (1975), pp. 175-193
(参考)・M. Dolley, The Norman Conquest and the English Coinage (1966)

3ヘンリ一世(1100-35) の統治組織

6月23日・Richardson & Sayles
・Haskins, pp. 85-122
・青山編『イギリス史1』220-229 頁
・クライムズ『中世イングランド行政史概説』25-44 頁
6月30日・J. A. Prestwich, "War and finance in the Anglo-Norman state," TRHS, 5th ser., 4 (1954)
・ W. J. Reedy, "Were Ralph and Richard Basset really chief justiciars of England in the Reign of Henry I," The Twelfth Century, Acta, II (1975), pp. 73-103
・ W. J. Reedy, "The Origins of the General Eyre in the Reign of Henry I," Speculum, 41 (1966), pp. 688-724

4スティーブン(1135-54) の統治組織

7月7日・Richardson & Sayles
・Haskins, pp. 123-155
・青山編『イギリス史1』220-229 頁
・クライムズ『中世イングランド行政史概説』25-44 頁
・R. H. C. Davis, King Stephen 1135-1154 (London/Berkeley and Los Angeles 1967)
・H. A. Cronne, The Reign of Stephen 1135-54: Anarchy in England (London 1970)
107月14日・H. W. C. Davis,"The Anarchy of Stephen's reign," EHR, 18 (1903)
・Edmund King, "The Anarchy of King Stephen's Reign," TRHS, 34 (1984), pp. 133-"

5ヘンリ二世(1154-89) 、リチャード一世(1189-99) 、             ジョン一世(1199-1216) の行政制度

11夏休み中 ・Richardson & Sayles
・Haskins, pp. 3-61
・青山編『イギリス史1』230-259 頁
(参考)・W. L. Warren, Henry II (London/ Berkeley and London 1977)
・John Le Patourel, The Norman Empire (London 1976)
・John Gillingham, Richard the Lionheart (New York/ London 1978)
12夏休み中・ W. L. Warren,"The Myth of Norman Administrative Efficiency," TRHS, 34 (1984), pp. 113-132
・ James Campbell,"Observations on English Government from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century," TRHS, 25 (1975), pp. 39-54
・C. Warren Hollister and J. W. Baldwin, "The Rise of Administrative Kingship," American Historical Review, 83 (1978), pp. 870-891

6ヘンリ三世(1216-72) の制度

13夏休み中・青山編『イギリス史1』260-271 頁
・クライムズ『中世イングランド行政史概説』108-170 頁
14夏休み中・ D. A. Carpenter, "The Decline of the Curial Sheriff in England," EHR, 91 (1976), pp. 1-32


