
高山 博(たかやま ひろし)


西洋史学演習(1994年度) 金曜日3限 #218


(II. 中世フランス)



#基本図書: #参考図書:


・J・ブウサール、井上泰男訳、『シャルルマーニュの時代』平凡社1973, 42-126(とくに42-64)頁。
6月10日・ F. Ganshof,“Charlemagne et les institutions de la monarchie franque," in W. Braunfels ed., Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, 3 vols., Dusseldorf 1965.
・ D. A. Bullough,“Europae Pater," EHR, 1970.


6月17日・ Hallam, pp. 1-23.
・渡辺節夫『フランス中世政治権力構造の研究』東大出版会1992、165-211 頁。
6月24日・ J. Martindale, “The French Aristocracy in the Early Middle Ages," Past and Present, LXXV (1977), pp. 5-45.
・ J. R. Strayer, “The Two Levels of Feudalism," in G. Post ed., Medieval Statecraft and the Perspectives of History, Essays by J. R. Strayer, Princeton 1971, pp. 63-76.
(参考)・ J. Dhondt, Etudes sur la naissance des principautes territoriales en France, IXe-Xe siecle, Bruges 1948.


7月1日・Hallam, pp. 64-107.
・渡辺節夫、29-83 頁。
・J. F. Lemarignier, Le Gouvernement royal aux premiers temps Capetiens, Paris 1965.
・Eric Bournazel, Le Gouvernement Capetien au XIIe siecle 1108-1180, Limoges 1975.
(参考)・W. M. Newman, Le Domaine royale sous les premiers Capetiens (987-1180), Paris 1937.
9月30日・E. M. Hallam, “The King and the Princes in Eleventh Century France," Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, LIII (1980).
・K. F. Werner, “Kingdom and Principality in Twelfth-Century France," in T. Reuter ed. and trans., The Medieval Nobility, Amsterdam/ New York/ Oxford 1979, pp. 243-90.
・A. W. Lewis,“Anticipatory Association of the Heir in Early Capetian France," American Historical Review, LXXXIII (1978), pp. 906-27.
・Thomas Bisson,“The Problem of Feudal Monarchy: Aragon, Catalonia, and France," Speculum, LIII(1978), pp. 460-78 (rep. in Bisson, Medieval France and her Pyrenean Neighbours, London 1989, pp. 237-255).


・Hallam, pp. 27-53.
・Michel de Bouard, “Le duche de Normandie," in Intitutions, I, pp. 1-33.
・F. Ganshof, “La Flandre," Institutions, I, pp. 343-426.
(参考)・Charles H. Haskins, Norman Institutions, Cambridge Mass., 1918.
・Jean Longnon, “La Champagne," in Institutions, I, pp. 123-136.
・Jean Richard, “Les institutions ducales dans le duche de Bourgogne," Institutions, I, pp. 209-248.


・Jacques Boussard, “Les institutions de l'empire Plantagenet," in Institutions, I, pp. 35-69.
・J. Boussard, Le Gouvernement d'Henri Plantagenet, Paris 1956.
・L. Halphen, “Prrvots et voyers du XIe siecle," Moyen Age, XV (1902), pp. 297-325.
・Barthelemy Pacquet, “Le grand fief breton," Institutions, I, pp. 267-288.
・C. W. Hollister and T. K. Keefe,“The Making of the Angevin Empire," Journal of British Studies, XII (1973), pp. 1-25.


・Hallam, pp. 54-61.
・Andre Bossuat,“L'Auvergne," in Institutions, I, pp. 101-22.
・Augustin Fliche,“L'Etat toulousain," Institutions, I, pp. 71-99.
・Yves Renouard,“Les institutions du duche d'Aquitane des origines a 1453," Institutions, I, 157-184頁。
・Charles Samaran,“Les institutions feodales en Gascogne au Moyen Age," Institutions, I, pp. 157-84.


1611月18日・August Molinier,“Etudes sur l'administration feodale dans le Languedoc," Histoire generale de Languedoc, VII, note XLVI, pp. 132-213.
1711月25日・P. Bonnassie, “Du Rhone a la Galice: genese et modalites du regime feodal," Structures feodales et feodalisme dans l'Occident mediterraneen, Xe-XIIIe siecles, Roma 1978.
・Thomas Bisson,“Some Characteristics of Mediterranean Territorial Power in the Twelfth Century," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, CXXIII (1975), pp. 143-50 (rep. in Bisson, Medieval France and her Pyrenean Neighbours, London 1989, pp. 257-264).

8王領地の拡大とフィリップ二世(1180-1123) の制度

1812月2日・Hallam, pp. 111-199.
・John W. Baldwin, The Government of Philip Augustus, Berkeley/ Los Angeles/ Oxford 1986, pp. 28-58, 101-77, 220-58.
1912月9日・C. W. Hollister and J. W. Baldwin,“The Rise of Administrative Kingship: Henry I and Philip Augustus," American Historical Review, LXXXVIII (1978), pp. 867-905.

9ルイ九世(1226-70) とポワトゥー伯アルフォンソの制度

2012月16日・Hallam, pp. 204-69.
・W. Jordan, Louis IX and the Challenge of the Crusade, Princeton 1979, pp. 35-64.
・August Molinier,“Etudes sur l'administration de Louis IX et d'Alphonse de Poitiers (1226-71)," Histoire generale de Languedoc, VII, note LIX, pp. 462-570.
・E. Boutaric, Saint Louis et Alphonse de Poitiers, Paris 1870.
・J. Strayer, Administration of Normandy under St. Louis, Cambridge Mass., 1932.
211月13日・Charles T. Wood,“Regnum Francie: A Problem in Capetian Administative Usage," Traditio, XXIII (1967), pp. 117-147.
・A. W. Lewis,“The Capetian apanages and the nature of the French Kingdom," Journal of Medieval History, II(1976), pp. 119-34.
(参考)・Charles Wood, The French Apanages and the Capetian Monarchy 1224-1328, Cambridge Mass., 1966.
・Thomas Bisson,“Negotiations for Taxes under Alfonse of Poitiers," XIIe Congres International des Sciences Historique. Vienna, 1965, Louvain-Paris 1966 (Etudes presentees a la Commission Internationale pour l'Histoire des Assemblees d'Etats, XXXI), pp. 77-101 (rep. in Bisson, Medieval France and her Pyrenean Neighbours, London 1989, pp. 49-74).

10フィリップ四世(1285-1314) の諸制度

221月20日・Hallam, pp. 273-320.
・J. Strayer, The Reign of Philip the Fair (Princeton 1980), pp.36 -236.
231月27日・J. Fesler,“French Field Administration: The Beginnings," Comparative Studies in Society and History, V (1962/3), pp. 76-111.
・高山博「フィリップ四世(1285-1314) 治世下のフランスの統治構造−バイイとセネシャル」『史学雑誌』101 編11号(1992)、1-38頁。


