AJC2003 Programme


Tuesday, 9th September

19:00-21:00 Welcoming Reception (for invited guests) at Kyoto Royal Hotel

Wednesday, 10th September

9:00- Registration and Coffee

9:30-9:45 Opening Addresses

Prof. Patrick O'Brien (LSE, London)
Prof. Minoru Kawakita (Osaka Univ.)

9:45-12:45 Session 1 Anglo-Norman Realm

Chair: Prof. Keizo Asaji (Kansai Univ.)
Prof. David Bates (University of Glasgow)
Writing a New Biography of William the Conqueror
Respondents: Prof. Kenji Yoshitake (Keio Univ.) and Prof. Hiroshi Takayama (Univ. of Tokyo)


14:15-17:15 Session 2 Seventeenth-Century Britain

Chair: Prof. Kazuhiko Kondo (Univ. of Tokyo)
Prof. John Morrill (University of Cambridge)
Rethinking Revolution in Seventeenth-century Britain
Respondents: Prof. Minoru Kawakita (Osaka Univ.), Prof. Rie Tomita (Tokai Women's Univ.) and Prof. Shunsuke Katsuta (Gifu Univ.)

18:30-20:30 Reception (everyone welcome)

Thursday, 11th September

9:30-12:30 Session 3 The Long Eighteenth Century

Chair: Prof. Yasushi Aoki (Rikkyo Univ.)
Ms Joanna Innes (University of Oxford)
Parliament and the Reshaping of English Social Policy 1780-1830
Respondents: Prof. Shin Matsuzono (Waseda Univ.), Mr Chikashi Sakashita (Tokyo Women's Univ.) and Prof. Akio Kawashima (Kyoto Univ.)


14:00-17:00 Session 4 Social and Political Thought

Chair: Prof. Toshio Kusamitsu (Univ. of Tokyo)
Prof. Gareth Stedman Jones (University of Cambridge)
Rational Dissent and the Origin of British Socialism: The Case of Robert Owen
Respondents: Prof. Chushichi Tsuzuki (Hitotsubashi Univ.) and Prof. Masaaki Mitsunaga (Kobe City Univ. of Foreign Studies)

Friday, 12th September

9:30-12:30 Session 5 The State and Welfare in the Twentieth Century

Chair: Prof. Takao Matsumura (Keio Univ.)
Prof. Pat Thane (University of London)
What Difference did the Vote Make? Women and the State in Britain since 1918
Prof. Martin Daunton (University of Cambridge)
The British State and the Global Economy in the Twentieth Century
Respondents: Prof. Nobuko Okuda (Nagoya City Univ.) and Prof. Shinichi Takagami (Osaka Sangyo Univ.)


14:00-18:00 Session 6 Imperial History: New Perspectives

Chair: Prof. Shigeru Akita (Osaka Univ.)
Prof. Andrew Porter (King's College London)
Religion and Empire: British Missions since c.1750
Respondents: Prof. Takao Fujikawa (Osaka Univ.) and Prof. Yoko Namikawa (Kobe City Univ. of Foreign Studies)

Chair: Prof. Yoichi Kibata (Univ. of Tokyo)
Prof. Judith Brown (University of Oxford)
British Society and Decolonisation: Adjusting to the End of Empire
Respondents: Ms Yumiko Hamai (Hokkaido Univ.)

18:00- Ending Ceremony