

1st Anglo-Japanese Conference of Historians

Japanese Perceptions of British History 1066 to Date

September 1994

Institute of Historical Research

The first conference was held at IHR, London, in September 1994. It was organized by Professor Patrick O'Brien and was attended by more than 90 historians from Britain, Japan and other countries. Nine Japanese historians* presented papers, each responded by two British experts, and four British historians* gave lectures, all followed by enthusiastic discussion.
(* Prof. Kondo, Prof. Ugawa, Prof. Kido, Prof. Sakamaki, Prof. Sakata, Prof. Kusamitsu, Prof. Matsumura, Prof. Hirata, Prof. Kibata; Prof. Holt, Dr Corfield, Prof. Thane, Prof. Macfarlane.)

For the summary news of the first Conference 1994 written by Y. Kibata, Shigaku Zasshi, vol.104, no.6: pp. 83-90. (Japanese)

after dinner at Russell Hotel. ©Prof. Ugawa

'British history in modernizing Japan c.1860-c.1970': The first session at the IHR, chaired by Wendy Davies, responded by Rees Davies & Michael Biddiss. ©Prof. Ugawa