2007年度第3回研究会: 「パレスチナ研究班」第2回研究会

  日時: 2007年5月13日(日) 9:00〜12:30     
  場所: 東北大学大学院国際文化研究科      
    CHOI Chang Mo (Konkuk University, Soul)
    臼杵陽 (日本女子大学)
    HONG Mee Jeong (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul)
    菅瀬晶子 (総合研究大学院大学)
    司会:長澤栄治 (東京大学)
    コメンテーター; 田村幸恵 (津田塾大学)

去る2007年5月13日に東北大学大学院国際文化研究科で開催された第23回日本中東学会大会において、特別セッション「パレスチナ研究韓国・日本セッション」(Korea / Japan Session on the Palestine Sudies)として「パレスチナ・イスラエル紛争の諸側面:日本と韓国の視点」“Aspects of Palestine/Israel Conflict viewed from Korea and Japan”と題するパネルディスカッションが、本プロジェクト東大拠点グループ2のパレスチナ研究班のメンバーが中心になって組織された。本報告の内容については、下記に添付した同セッションのプログラムと要旨を参照されたい。
昨年度活動を開始した本プロジェクトのパレスチナ研究班は、昨年12月以来、合計14回の研究会をこれまで開催してきた(グループ2のホームページを参照)。その中で1月19日に北京大学王鎖労(Dr. Sualao Wang)を招いて「中国の中東政策・対パレスチナ政策」に関する報告をしていただいた。この報告は、中国政府の政策の特徴とその変化について率直に説明したもので感銘を受けたが、東アジア諸国の対中東政策、あるいは対中東関係の歴史の相違を考えさせる内容を含んでいた。とくに冷戦期における各国の外交的制約条件、国内問題(ムスリム・マイノリティの存在)、中東やイスラームに関する国民・メディア・経済界などそれぞれの国での関心の持ち方の違い、また国内政治条件や政策決定過程の相違などについて、今後の比較研究の可能性があるという認識を得た。今回の特別セッションは、日韓両国におけるパレスチナ/イスラエル問題研究の比較を行うことによって、こうした将来の比較研究に向けての一歩となる試みであったと思う。
 1)CHOI Chang Mo(Konkuk University, Seoul) 
"The Perspective of the Editorials on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Focusing on Four Major Korean Newspapers"
"A Recent Trend of Studies on Ethnic and National Relations in Israel: A Japanese View"
現在では政治的概念として成り立たないとされるArab Jewsの存在をめぐる問題を冒頭に提起し、アラブ系=東洋系ユダヤ人に関する現在の研究状況について、報告者自身の研究を含めて紹介し、今後のパレスチナ/イスラエルの共存のあり方に対する含意を論じた

3)HONG Mee Jeong(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul) 
"Middle East Peace Negotiations and the Israeli Settlements"

"Current Palestinian Studies in Japan: Beginning of the Anthropological Study"
司会:長澤栄治 コメンテーター:田村幸恵(津田塾大学)

Program and Abstracts
The 23th JAMES Meeting, Tohoku University
Korean/Japan Session on the Palestine Studies
"Aspects of Palestine/Israel Conflict viewed from Korea and Japan"

Chair: NAGASAW Eiji (The University of Tokyo, Tokyo)

CHOI Chang Mo(Konkuk University, Seoul)
"The Perspective of the Editorial on Israel-Palestinain Conflict: Focusing on Four Major Korean Newspapers"
USUKI Akira (Japan Women's University, Tokyo)
"A Recent Trend of Studies on Ethnic and National Relations in Israel: A Japanese View"
HONG Mee Jeong(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul)
"Middle East Peace Negotiations and the Israeli Settlements"
SUGASE Akiko(The Graduate University of Advanced Studies, Hayama)
"Current Palestinian Studies in Japan"
Commentator: TAMURA Yukie (Tsuda College, Tokyo)

CHOI Chang Mo,"The Perspective of the Editorials on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Focusing on Four Major Korean Newpapers"

This article deals with the editorial of Korean major newspaper such as the Chosun-Ilbom(朝鮮日報),the Dong-
A-Ilbo(東亞日報),Kyunghyang Shinmun(京郷新聞),and the Hankyoreh Shinmun on the Middle Eastern affairs, especially the Israel-Palestine conflict since 2003. First two newspapers are so conservative, others are more liberal. The two groups have quietly contrasting views and positions on the Middle Eastern affairs such like the sending the troops to Iraq and Israel-Palestine issues. I will analyze the statistics and contents of the editorials of those newspapers, and will compare their attitudes and views related to the Middle Eastern affairs in general and the Israel- Palestine conflict in particular.

USUKI Akira,"A Recent Trend of Studies on Ethnis and National Relations in Israel: A Japanese View"

As a Japanese student of Middle Eastern sudies, I will briefly explain a recent trend of studies on ethnic and national relations in Israel. I specially focus upon a newly advocated andcontroversial concept of "Arab Jews" in Israeli academia instead Mizrahim (Oriental Jews). I will discuss embryonic symptoms of crossing boundaries of self entities in the context of a new trend of multiculturalism in a special refrence to the terminology designated as the Jews from Arab countries to Israel after the Arab-Israel wars. Here I keep in mind dichotomy of secular/ religious,Ashkenazi(Occidental)/Mizrahi(Oriental) among Israeli Jews on the one hand, Jewish/Arab in Israeli society on the other. The motivations of presenting this topic is that a new trend of rethinking Arab-Jewish or Palestinian-Israeli relations has emerged among new historians, critical sociologists/anthropologists of so-calles "post-Zionism" after Oslo Agreemen in 1993. Of course, we have to keep a close look at this trend as an Asian scholar of the Middle East, although this trens had fallen into the adversity after the collapse of Oslo peace process and September11, 2001.

HONG Mee Jong,"Middle East Peace Negotiations and the Israeli Settlements"

The Palestinian-Israeli negotiations for a political settlement since Oslo Process of 1990s heve been halted. Israelis refused to recognize to HAMAS government and have refused the Palestinian Unity Government again.
The International laws including UNSCR 446 of 1979 as well as the Forth Geneva Convention are applicable to the OPT ( the Occupied Palestinian Territories) which includes East Jerusalem must be respected. Neertheless, Israeli policies continue to confiscate the land and build settlements violating all the previous resolutions as well as Article 49 of Genega Convetion which emphasize that the occupying power shall not deport or transfer part of its civilian population into OPT. The policy and practices of Israel in expanding and empowering the settlers into OPT created the vast settlment areas which will be a major obstacle to achieve any comprehensive, just and lasting settlme-nt for the conflict.
But the ambiguities of the original text in the Camp David Ac- cord of 1978, the Oslo Accords, the Road Map (the demands of the Quartet) have been working for Israeli Occupation Policy. Reading carefully the first Camp David Accords of 1978 as well as the very recent proposal of the Road Map of April 2003 along the line of the continued Israeli settlement policy, one could reach easily a conclusion that the road to a Palestinian State is already blocked even if not leading to a dead end.

SUGASE Akiko,"Current Palestinian Studies in Japan: Beginning of the Anthropological Study"

In this presentation, I will jach up the trends of Palestinian Studies in Japan from 1990's to nowdays, and pick out new aspects found in them. Witnessing the significant changes throughout Palestinian society form the days of First Intifada, Oslo Agreement and its fall-off to Al-Aqsa Intifada, the points of view of Japanese researchers have been also changed. The distande between Japanede researchers and Palestinian/Israeli society will be the main topic.

                        NIHU Program: ISLAMIC AREA STUDIES
                          IAS Center at the University of Tokyo (TIAS)
  Structural Change in Middle East Politics