Collection of Archaeological Materials from the Lower Tokoro River Basin

Harpoon heads
DescriptionHarpoon heads
Site(1st and 3rd from the left)Tokoro-chashi Site: from the fill of Pit House 1, (5th and 6th)Tokoro-chashi Site: Bone Mound, (2nd) Tokoro-chashi Site Okhotsk Locality: from Bone Mound b of Pit House 7b, (7th)Tokoro-chashi Site Okhotsk Locality: on the floor of Pit House 9c, (4th)Sakaeura Ⅱ Site: from the fill of Pit House 7
Size (cm)L. 9.8〜5.3
PeriodLate stage of Okhotsk culture
Date8-9th century
PossessorTokoro Research Laboratory
CommentBone and antler implements from the Okhotsk culture are rich in their quality and quantity. The harpoon head, which is part of a harpoon, is a representative example, and it comes in many forms. The samples in the figure were hafted, and an arrowhead was attached to the first three and the seventh samples (counting from the left). All of them were used for hunting sea mammals or large fish.