Collection of Archaeological Materials from the Lower Tokoro River Basin

Group 14 pottery from the Tokoro Shell Mound (Tokoro-14-rui pottery)
DescriptionGroup 14 pottery from the Tokoro Shell Mound (Tokoro-14-rui pottery)
SiteTokoro Shell Mound: from the living structure found from the layer 9 of Trench F
Size (cm)H. 27
PeriodInitial Jomon
Dateca. 8,400-7,800 years ago
PossessorTokoro Research Laboratory
CommentThis piece is the first known example of a ‘Blade Arrowhead Industry’ with a pottery complex. It is a typical example of Tokoro-14-rui pottery, of which have been seen only a few analogies elsewhere. The lip shows an oval shape from an upper view. There are no incised lines on the surface, but three rows of ring stamps can be seen in the rim decoration.