
Discount tickets

Discount tickets for Japan Airlines (JAL) are now on sale!

Japan Airlines has kindly offered to provide discount round-trip tickets from Moscow to Narita International Airport, and back. These tickets are now being sold. Ticket prices are shown below, in Euros. The non-discount prices are shown in parentheses.

Business C: 3,350 (3,750)
Business D: 3,000 (3,250)
Business X: 2,450 (2,900)

Economy B: 1,050 (1,282)
Economy H: 950 (1,082)
Economy K: 850 (982)
Economy M: 750 (880)
Economy L: 650 (782)
Economy V: 450 (550)

Note that a fuel charge will be added to these figures.

Those who wish to purchase a ticket, please contact the tourist companies authorized by the Organizing Committee. You may write them in Russian.

* JIC: inbound@jic-web.co.jp
* Japan-Russia Travel Service: http://www.russia.co.jp/rus/index.html