

The "Favela Situation" genre and the Transnational Other: Street Kids in the XXI Century

司会・解説:平野 共余子(映画専門大学院大学客員教授)
コメンテーター:野谷 文昭








Prof. Dr. Joao Luiz Vieira(ジョアン・ルイス・ヴィエイラ博士)
Prof. Vieira is Associate Professor at the Film and Video Department of Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where he teaches Film Language and Theory. He is also Chairman of the Graduate Program in Communication of the same university. Graduated in 1973 in Film at UFF, in 1977 he received a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue Graduate studies at the Cinema Studies Department, New York University, where he completed his Ph.D. in 1984. Later, he was a recipient of a CAPES post-graduate grant to do research at the Department of Film and Television Studies at the University of Warwick, UK (1997-98). Former director of the Film Department of the Museum of Modern Art in Rio, Dr. Vieira is a film critic, curator and researcher who occasionally teaches and writes about Japanese Cinema in Brazil. He has curated many series devoted to Japanese Cinema in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1981, he received a grant from Japan Foundation to visit film archives and film schools in Japan. He has been a Fulbright Visiting Professor at the Media Arts Department of the University of New Mexico (1996) and of the Film & Comparative Literature Program at the University of Iowa (2002). Dr. Vieira publishes extensively in Brazil and abroad and co-authored D.W.Griffith and the Biograph Company (NY: Scarecrow, 1984), edited Cinema Novo & Beyond (NY: MoMA, 1998) and wrote Camera-faca: o cinema de Sergio Bianchi (Portugal, 2004).

平野 共余子(ひらの きょうこ)
映画史研究者。ニューヨーク大学映画研究科博士課程修了(Ph.D.)。ニューヨーク市ジャパン・ソサエテイーで18年間日本映画の上映を担当した後、ニューヨークと東京を拠点に活動を続け、現在映画専門大学院大学客員教授。主著にMr. Smith Goes To Tokyo: Japanese Cinema Under the American Occupation 1945-1952(Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992), 『天皇と接吻 アメリカ占領下の日本映画検閲』(草思社、1998年)、『マンハッタンのKUROSAWA-英語字幕版はありますか?』(清流出版、2006)など。

野谷 文昭(のや ふみあき)



住所:〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 東京大学文学部 現代文芸論研究室(沼野 充義)

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