The First Plenary Session of IAS Project
at Sanjo Kaikan Hall (14 July 1997)

SATO Tsugitaka:
Main Objectives and Executive Principles of the IAS Project


I. What is "Islamic Area Studies"?

  1. Islam as religion and civilization
    Total understanding of Islam through multidisciplinary studies
    Historical and contemporary studies
  2. Muslim societies in China, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States as well as the Middle East and North Africa


II. Characteristics of IASP compared to Scientific Research on Priority Areas

  1. Systematic research by six sections intending to work as a whole
  2. Research project open to all interested scholars in Japan and abroad
  3. Publication of research products in Japanese and English in addition to
  4. annual reports submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences
  5. Unique roles of the research members


III. Main objectives of the IAS Project

  1. Creation of new Area Studies through combining several areas
    The year of finding research subjects (1997) →Comprehensive study of areas
    A & B and comparative study between areas A & B (1998-)
  2. Development of a computer system suitable for multilateral Islamic Area Studies
  3. Encouragement of the formation of a new generation of scholars to be entrusted with the future development of Islamic Area Studies


Research members are requested to contact researchers to cooperate. They will become registered scholars of the project. The term of cooperation should be flexible.