
海外情報 最終更新日 2002/04/03






Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS)

The Association for the Study of Persianate Societies is a non-governmental, non-political, not-for-profit professional organization for researchers and scholars interested in the culture and civilization of the Persian-speaking societies and the related areas in the Iranian civilizational area.
代表 Said Amir Arjomand, State University of New York, Stony Brook
会費 25 US dollars(学生は10ドル、機関は50ドル)
・年1回発行されるStudies in Persianate Civilization Vol. 1
"Medieval Persianate Political Ethic"
"Modernity, Change and Dictatorship in Iran: The New Order and Its Opponents, 1927-1929"
"A Fragmentary Exploration of an Indian Text on Religions and Sects: Notes on the Earlier Version of the Dabestan-e Madhaheb"
"The Mughal Encounter with Vedanta: Recovering the Biograph of 'Jadrup'"
"The Land of Darkness: Images of India in the Works of Some Safavid Poets"
"Some Tense Problems in Middle Persian Terminology"
"Iranian Women: Rising Expectations"
"Filmic Judgment and Cultural Critique in Iranian Cinema"

Said Amir Arjomand/ASPS
Department of Sociology, State University of New York
Stony Brook, New York 11794-4356, USA

Central Asia Project of the International Crisis Group, Osh, Kyrgyzstan
代表:John S. Schoeberlein
URL: http://www.crisisweb.org

The Central Asia project aims to do three things: 1) carry out a field-based analysis of the problems which could lead to crisis and conflict in the region, 2) formulate practical recommendations as to what key actors --particularly, governments and international organizations -- can do to alleviate these problems, and 3) bring these recommendations to the attention of those who are in a position to do what is required to avoid acrisis.



International Summer Academy for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Reserchers

主催:The Wissenschaftskollg zu Berlin's Working Group Modernity and Islam,
'Social and Cultural History of the Middle East'(Interdisciplinary Centre of Free University Berlin)
テーマ:Ties that Bind and Kin that Matter. Conceptualising Social Order in the Near East and North Africa.
- a curriculum vitae
- a five-page outline of the project the applicant is currently working on with a brief summary thereof
- two names of referees (university faculty members)
Georges Khalil
Coordinator Working Group Modernity and Islam
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
z.Hd. Georges Khalil
Wallotstrase 19
14193 Berlin - Germany
Fax: +49 - 30 - 89 00 12 00
Email: khalil@wiko-berlin.de
website: http://www.wiko-berlin.de/Information/Eakmi_i.htm

The Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin's Working Group Modernity and Islam in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Centre 'Social and Cultural History of the Middle East' of Free University Berlin invite applications for an international Summer Academy on the theme:

The Summer Academy is scheduled to take place from 22 July to 2 August, 2002 at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin and is chaired by Professor Gudrun Kramer (Institute of Islamic Studies, Free University Berlin). In a multidisciplinary exchange between the humanities and the social sciences, 24 young scholars will be given the opportunity to present their projects and to discuss ongoing research as well as issues of theory and methodology. A group of leading scholars in the fields of European and Middle Eastern history will act as tutors.
This Summer Academy addresses the intricate relations between "society" and "culture". It will try to advance a more nuanced approach to conceptualising social order in the Near East and North Africa that could be relevant beyond the field of Islamic and Middle Eastern studies, broadly defined. "Ties that Bind" will examine specific groups of actors and types of solidarity characteristic of Middle Eastern societies. How are social groups formed ("constructed"), maintained, (re)presented and perceived? What are the strategies of inclusion and exclusion and how are outsiders and marginalised individuals and/or groups being defined (and treated)? "Kin that Matter" will focus on families, households and tribes. Special attention will be given to the links between family, household and property (including religious endowments, auqaf).
Given the state of the art and the potential for theory building, status groups such as merchants, religious scholars (ulama) and descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (sada, ashraf) that are based on different forms of social cohesion and solidarity, will figure prominently in the discussions. Issues of stratification, status and gender will be considered with a view towards integrating empirical research and theoretical reflection. Throughout, women and non-Muslims will be treated not as separate entities, but as part and parcel of the respective themes, whether households, artisans or notables. Given the tendency to confuse gender with women studies, work on gender roles, both male and female, will be especially welcome.

Participants receive a stipend covering travel and accommodation expenses. The programme addresses doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in Islamic as well as relevant area studies, history, anthropology, law and the social sciences. The researchers' work should be clearly relevant to the theme of the summer academy. The working language is English. The application, consisting of a curriculum vitae, a five-page outline of the project the applicant is currently working on, with a brief summary thereof, and two names of referees (university faculty members) should be submitted and received, in English, by April 30 at:

Georges Khalil
Coordinator Working Group Modernity and Islam
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
z.Hd. Georges Khalil
Wallotstrase 19
14193 Berlin - Germany
Fax: +49 - 30 - 89 00 12 00
Email: khalil@wiko-berlin.de





Laboratoire SEDET (societes en developpement dans l'espace et dans le temps),
Universite Paris 7 Denis Diderot / CNRS


L'islam politique demeure, jusqu'a aujourd'hui, une realite dans plusieurs societes musulmanes. Ses caracteristiques ont ete notamment analysees par des historiens et des politologues qui se sont attaches a observer les evolutions sociales, politiques et culturelles des societes des pays du Maghreb, du Machreq et plus recemment d'Extreme-Orient. Les themes de naissance ou de renaissance de l'islam politique sont en effet souvent assimiles a la Republique islamique d'Iran, au Soudan, a des groupements clandestins tels que les Freres musulmans, le Djihad islamique, la Jamaat Islamiyya. En revanche, l'Afrique subsaharienne demeure tres souvent absente de ces investigations et interrogations, comme si l'islam de cette region du monde etait uniquement circonscrit aux communautes confreriques, considerees comme paisibles.

Ces journees d'etudes s'integrent a une tendance de la recherche qui s'interesse aux evolutions actuelles et passees de l'Islam dit peripherique, lequel a une portee de plus en plus centrale comme le demontre l'actualite internationale de ces derniers mois.

L'objet de ces journees d'etudes est d'identifier, d'analyser et de definir les acteurs de cet Islam politique. Plusieurs termes tels que reformistes, fondamentalistes, islamistes rendent-ils compte avec precision de la nature de ces mouvements et des itineraires complexes de leurs membres et responsables dans le contexte subsaharien ? Dans cette perspective, cette rencontre tentera d'identifier, selon les periodes historiques, les trajectoires sociales, culturelles, religieuses et politiques des acteurs musulmans qui creent des associations islamiques ou des mouvements critiques envers les confreries, construisent des ecoles franco-arabes, organisent des conferences islamiques, font construire des complexes culturels et religieux et des mosquees a l'aide d'importants fonds venus essentiellement des pays du Golfe.

De plus, il s'agit d'analyser les discours de ces hommes, de ces femmes et leur evolution dans la longue duree. Quels sont les themes principaux de leur production ecrite et orale ? En quoi ces themes sont-ils revelateurs d'interets politiques nationaux, de quetes identitaires complexes, d'une volonte de faire concurrence aux milieux confreriques, de s'integrer aux vies politiques nationales dans un contexte de progressive democratisation et de participer aux debats religieux internationaux ? Ainsi, est-il important d'analyser comment s'inscrivent ces acteurs musulmans dans l'actualite internationale et de s'interroger sur les processus de reutilisation des ecrits d'intellectuels du monde arabo-musulman dans des contextes socio-politiques differents. Il importe aussi d'apprehender l'existence d'une "litterature" islamique specifique produite par des mouvements militants islamiques et son impact sur les differentes strates de la societe, afin d'evaluer le degre d'acceptation de ces discours par les societes auxquelles ils sont adresses et l'existence de possible resistance ou de franche opposition des acteurs sociaux.

L'objectif est enfin de s'interroger sur la creation de differents reseaux, leur continuation et leur developpement entre le monde arabo-musulman et l'Afrique sub-saharienne, et entre differents pays de la zone etudiee, et de voir en quoi ces reseaux sont les signes de la lente creation et la mise en place d'un internationalisme islamique qui n'a rien a envier a celui initie par differentes confreries telles que la tidjaniyya et la muridiyya.

Laboratoire SEDET

Universite Paris 7 Denis Diderot / CNRS
Case courrier 7017
2 place Jussieu
75251 Paris cedex 05
Fax: +33 1 44 27 79 87
E-mail: mgp@ccr.jussieu.fr (Muriel Gomez-Perez, coordinatrice)

Ninth International Congress on Graeco-Oriental and African Studies

主催機関:Institute for Graeco-Oriental and African Studies (Athens) とInstitute for Afro-Hellenic Studies (Johannesburg)
開催地:Neapoli of Laconia and Monemvasia, GREECE

1. Ports and Commerce in the Mediterranean from the 9th century to the 19th
2. Intercultural Relations between Greece and Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia and North Africa from the 4th century B.C. to the 14th century A.D.
3. Greek and Latin sources of Arabic geographical works Round Table: Translations of modern Arabic literary texts into Greek and vice versa

Professor V. Christides
The Institute for Graeco-Oriental and African Studies
Solomou 39
Kryoneri Attikis 145 68
Tel/Fax: +30 (0)1 81 61 037

The First National Congress on Iranian Studies
主催機関:Iranology Foundation, IRAN

- History and Geographical History
- Persian Literature
- Linguistics
- Archaeology
- Visual Arts, Decorative Arts, Calligraphy and Ornamentation
- Iranian Architecture before and after Islam and the Contemporary Period
- Iranian Handicrafts
- Music
- Contemporary Theater, Film, Photography and Islamic Shiiet Mourning Ceremonies
- Iranian Culture and Civilization before Islam
- Religion, Mysticism and Philosophy, before and after Islam
- Islamic Science, Theology and Education
- Bibliography, the Study of Manuscripts and Numismatics
- Popular Culture, Proverbs, and Maxims, Myths and Legends
- Ancient Fables, Folk Stories
- Social Studies
- Politics and Management
- Iran's Economy
- City, Village and Dwelling
- General Issues in Iranology
- Education in Iran
- Political and Cultural Relations between Iran and Other Countries
- The Art of War and Military Strategy

Congress Secretariat - Iranology Foundation
24/1 Shirkooh, Shahid Fallahi St.
(Zafaraniyeh), Bagh Ferdows, Vali-e-asr Ave.,
P.O.B. 19615/777
Tehran, IRAN
Tel: 0098-21-2417124-6
Fax: 0098-21-2417300
E-mail: irfo@iranology.fo.or.ir



UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law (JINEL), USA

テーマ:All legal issues that are of particular relevance to Muslims and Middle Easterners in both Muslim and non-Muslim societies.

- Issues dealing with the events of September 11th and its effects on the Middle East, Middle Eastern immigrants abroad (especially the effects or potential effects of the new U.S. anti-terrorism laws), as well as its jurisprudential aspects and its relevance to Islamic Law
- Issues dealing with commercial law in, among, or with, the countries of the Middle East
- Legal issues relating to Israel, Turkey, North Africa, and South Asia JINEL welcomes submissions of articles and comments by students, scholars, and practitioners in the fields of Islamic and Near Eastern law.

- double-spaced
- CV添付(name, address, telephone number, professional background)
- IJMES transliteration

UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law
UCLA School of Law
405 Hilgard Ave
Box 951476
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1476

Maghreb-Machrek (French quarterly specialised in the contemporary Arab world)

版元:La Documentation Francaise, a department of the General Secretariat of the French Government
編者:Philippe Fargues, Jean-Francois Legrain, Pierre-Jean Luizard, Abdelkader Sid Ahmed, Sophie Pommier

テーマ:Political science, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, International Relations, Modern History, Geography, Legal Studies, Demography Submitted articles should:
- deal with contemporary Arab societies
- meet all the criteria of an international scientific journal, and at the same time be accessible to non-specialists
- offer in-depth analyses and accurate information, and remain strictly impartial
- be based on field research or discuss discourse, political strategies, legal texts, statistical data, archives, etc. Articles must be fully supported by adequate bibliographical references.
他の規定:4,500ワード以下。doc format (.doc) または rich text format (.rtf)

 Redaction de Maghreb-Machrek
 29/31 Quai Voltaire
 75344 Paris Cedex 07






